Part of what makes Elevate successful is the amazing team of people that help us fill in the gaps and support each other as the horse business can be very overwhelming for one person. We are extremely thankful to have these awesome young instructors coming up the levels as part of our team!
Michelle Lovell
Michelle has been riding since she was 7 years old and actually started her showing career in the western show ring. She always loved being in the barn and around the ponies, but bounced from program to program until she connected to Elevate through one of her best friends. Jamie helped her find her passion for eventing when she was 12 years old and she has been a staple ever since. Michelle has competed her first event horse “My Way or the Highway” through Modified with many blue ribbons along the way. At eighteen, she decided that eventing was something she wanted to do professionally so she went down to Ocala, Florida for two winters to further her education as a horseman, rider, and instructor under Katlyn and Karl Slezak with the promise that she would come back and become a trainer for Elevate. Michelle has a very relaxed vibe about her and does a great job in the lesson program!
Michelle: “I cannot express how much love and support our family has given me through the years and I am so excited to be able to put all of it back into the program for everyone who has been with us, as well as everyone who is to come!”
Brooke Guarnera
Brooke started riding at a pony camp hosted by Ridgewood Stables when she was 6 years old and it lured her in for the long run. She has always had a special talent with the horses and has had a lot of experience already at a young age successfully riding many different types of horses and competing at recognized events all around the country. Brooke has even scored a 19 which is a very impressive dressage score! She never misses an opportunity to clinic with the many world class Clinicians we host at Ridgewood and has learned to work through all the ups and downs that come with horses from her first naughty pony to the two lovely OTTB horses, Benny and Sam that she events. Brooke has a very patient and kind approach and does a great job teaching for us!
Brooke: “Through my riding and all of its ups and downs and learning curves I’ve grown as a person and a rider more then i ever could’ve imagined, and inspired me to share that with others as as well.”